Pink Kink

Welcome to Pink Kink, the podcast that dives into the alluring and unconventional side of kink. In a world filled with misconceptions, Princess Rara and Electro_Kahleesi are here to dismantle stereotypes and eliminate the stigma surrounding the intriguing world of kink.
Embark on a journey with our hosts as they share their personal experiences and draw from a wealth of knowledge accumulated over 28 years of both private and professional engagement in the lifestyle, exploring every facet of the spectrum.
Our podcast has transcended boundaries, reaching the top 2% globally and captivating audiences across six continents and over 155 countries. Whether you're a novice exploring kink for the first time or a seasoned practitioner, Pink Kink offers a space for growth and learning.
Expect not only valuable insights but also a guaranteed dose of laughter, as every episode turns into a lively party with Princess Rara and Electro_Kahleesi. Don't miss out on the fun—tune in to Pink Kink on your preferred podcast platform and join the celebration of all things kink

Utilizing Mantras in D/s Dynamics

We explore the role of mantras in D/s dynamics. Discover how these positive affirmations guide behavior, reinforce values, and foster […]

Our Anniversary Wrap-Up – Episode 156

In the final episode of our anniversary series, Part 3, we’ll be sharing more of the stories that have touched our hearts from our listeners. Plus, we’ll also open up about how creating this...

Healing From Toxic Relationships – Episode 152

In this episode, we discuss how to heal after a toxic romantic relationship. We cover important steps like recognizing toxicity, building positive connections, and applying lessons for healthier future relationships. We share insights on...

It’s All About The Booty – Episode 151

Delve into a subject often shrouded in taboo – Anal Play. Join us for a candid and informative conversation, as we endeavor to dismantle societal barriers and cultivate a more nuanced understanding of this...

We Answer More Reddit Posts – Episode 149

In this episode, we’re delving into posts from BDSM_AITA (Am I the Asshole) and BDSMAdvice on Reddit. We’ll be answering questions, sharing insights, and navigating the intriguing discussions. Join us for a fun dive...

Spice Up Your Kink With Humor – Episode 148

We talk about how adding laughter can make BDSM relationships more fun. We’ll share stories and tips, and you’ll learn how to balance humor and intimacy in your own relationships. Visit us at