Pink Kink

Welcome to Pink Kink, the podcast that dives into the alluring and unconventional side of kink. In a world filled with misconceptions, Princess Rara and Electro_Kahleesi are here to dismantle stereotypes and eliminate the stigma surrounding the intriguing world of kink.
Embark on a journey with our hosts as they share their personal experiences and draw from a wealth of knowledge accumulated over 28 years of both private and professional engagement in the lifestyle, exploring every facet of the spectrum.
Our podcast has transcended boundaries, reaching the top 2% globally and captivating audiences across six continents and over 155 countries. Whether you're a novice exploring kink for the first time or a seasoned practitioner, Pink Kink offers a space for growth and learning.
Expect not only valuable insights but also a guaranteed dose of laughter, as every episode turns into a lively party with Princess Rara and Electro_Kahleesi. Don't miss out on the fun—tune in to Pink Kink on your preferred podcast platform and join the celebration of all things kink

Keeping Your Kink Life Private – Episode 177

Discover essential strategies for safeguarding your D/s dynamic and kinky lifestyle. Join us as we explore the importance of privacy, trust, and discretion, and learn practical tips to maintain your personal and professional reputations...


A Fiery Book Review – Episode 175

In this heated episode, we dive deep into a book that just didn’t work for us. With our usual opinionated attitudes, we dissect the book’s misconceptions, challenge its faulty assumptions, and provide our own...

Common Mistakes to Avoid – Episode 174

BDSM is gaining in popularity. More people are exploring these practices as a way to deepen intimacy, enhance trust, and spice up their relationships. It’s a vast and diverse community with a lot to...

In The News – Episode 172

We return to one of our favorite series- In The News! We discuss recent articles that highlight current events impacting our community. Join us for some thoughtful discussion, humorous stories, and a few angry...

Utilizing Mantras in D/s Dynamics

We explore the role of mantras in D/s dynamics. Discover how these positive affirmations guide behavior, reinforce values, and foster growth. We’ll share tips for creating effective mantras and real-life examples, highlighting their impact...

Small But Mighty – Episode 168

In this episode, we explore the dynamics of BDSM relationships where the Dominant/Top is physically smaller than the Submissive/Bottom. We share insights on maintaining authority, building trust, and challenging societal norms. Learn practical tips...